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Mega User
Mega User
Nov 22, 2021
In C60 Results & Experiences
It's no secret that C60 Olive Oil prevents inflammation (a.k.a. Oxidative Stress). People everywhere are enjoying activities again, even if that means just doing their normal everyday activities -- without the normal stiffness, pain and tingling caused by inflammation. But did you know how powerfully C60 can help your pets? Cats, dogs and even horses are living their best lives with the help of C60. (By the way, horses love the taste of C60 added to their feed). Pain and stiffness from Arthritis that prevents pets from climbing stairs or even running to greet you at the door minimized or eliminated by the powerful antioxidant, C60! If given BEFORE tumors are detected, C60 prevents them from developing. Check out "Zia's Story" on our video page. A heart-breaking diagnosis turned into relief and gratitude for Zia's owner, when C60 brought new life to her beloved cat. Our pets trust us to take care of them, and they can't tell us when they are hurting. Try C60 for your pet, especially as they approach their senior years. Your fur babies will love you for it.
Mega User
Mega User
Feb 17, 2021
In General Discussions
Today, a customer and lover of C60 Olive Oil sent me a video link. The video is by a man who has been studying the effects of C60 on the skin, as a topical treatment. He describes all the steps he took to produce a liquid concoction that contains carbon 60 powder. WHY? Immediately, when I heard this I wondered, "why doesn't he just use C60 in Extra Virgin Olive Oil?" The work has already been done! Some of our customers have already shared stories about how C60 Olive Oil used topically gets rid of sun spots, which can lead to skin cancer. One such customer excitedly told me she uses it in place of expensive wrinkle cream! A very small amount dabbed around her eyes keeps her skin young looking. She swears by it! And her testimony about a rather large, black spot on one hand having totally disappeared by using C60 Olive Oil? Now THAT'S exciting! I could go on and on about the benefits of C60 Olive Oil. But since you are already a customer and/or member of this site, no doubt you already understand these things. So Let's chat about some of these everyday C60 habits that are helping us. Feel free to jump in with your comments.
Mega User
Mega User
Nov 13, 2020
In C60 Results & Experiences
Hi, everyone. I'm just wondering how many of you, like me, are having a new pain in your hands. I always take C60 Olive Oil as a supplement (a tsp a day). The other day my left thumb joint started hurting for no reason. I rubbed Voltaren on it; that didn't help. Then I iced the area. Icing helped sooth the soreness but the pain came back. But I soon realized I needed to take more C60. With inflammation everywhere in our bodies, we sometimes need to double-up if there's a particular problem. It's a simple fix. How's C60 working for you?
Mega User
Mega User
Oct 10, 2020
In C60 Results & Experiences
As a member of C60 Health's website you can now view and participate in the Forum. Various topics are available to discuss and ask questions. This is the place where you get to share your story of how C60 has improved your health. In the Forum you may talk about anything related to the Category topics. You'll find various topics or categories. Under the C60 forum, you will find comments from other members about their use of C60 and what they've discovered or how it's helped them. Feel free to raise questions you may have about C60 Olive Oil. The rules are simple: Be respectful of others and their opinions. No vulgar language or rudeness will be tolerated. As a community forum we want everyone to enjoy participation. Feel free to respond to questions raised by other members if your experience may be helpful. No personal advertising for your business or that of someone you know. No promoting of other products is permitted here. If there is a particular related category you would like included in the forum, let us know and we will look into adding it to the category list. GOT QUESTIONS: Send us a message through the Contact Page with any questions you have on how this works, and we will respond a.s.a.p.


Mega User
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